Monday, April 17th 2023
All cadets to bring the following:
- Refillable water bottle
- Money for canteen
- Pen
- Notebook/paper
Level 5 cadets to be at Armoury by 1745-1750 (5:45pm - 5:50pm).
All other cadets to arrive between 1800-1815 (6:00pm- 6:15pm).
Everyone is to be formed up on the parade square by 1815 at the latest.
In order to prepare for the following weekend of Tagging, Dress for this week is Blue with ribbons for those that have ribbons. If you do not have your blue uniform, please wear black pants, white shirt, and tie.
Cadets to be picked up by 2115 (9:15pm).
All Cadets, If your flight is on duty you MUST REMAIN until everything is put away.
Duty Flight this week is Flight 4.
Band Practice
There will be band practice this Sunday, April 16th from 1400-1700. Anyone ordering a band sweater please bring in the money for this date. Sweaters are $50.80.
Please check Google Classroom for updates.
Drill Team
The drill team will have a practice this Sunday, April 16th from 1800 to 2030 and Flag Party practice from 2030 to 2100 at the Barrie Armoury.
Please bring snacks, and a refillable water bottle.
For more information please contact: OCdt Wilcox ( or WO Mena (
Spring Tagging
Tagging is our main source of fundraising. This fundraising activity allows us to participate in many fun activities in the community. Tagging is a mandatory activity and each cadet must participate in at least two shifts, but if you can do all three we would like you to do all three. ANY LEVEL 4 or 5 going on the White Water Rafting trip must tag all 3 shifts. If you cannot tag two shifts you must speak to Capt Paull.
Friday April 21 5pm-930pm
Saturday April 22 8am-530pm
Sunday April 23 830am-530pm
Parents/Guardians are required to drive cadets to and from locations.
Any questions, cadets should talk to their Flight Commander (the cadet who stands in front of your flight)!
Sign up here.
Legion of Excellence Medal
This message is for cadets in level three, four and five..
We are collecting your portfolio’s for application to apply for the Legion of Excellence medal. Please follow this link to see what the requirements are! Portfolios are to be handed in to OCdt Erb by May 1 2023
Range and Orienteering Day
Hold The Date: Ready, Aim, Explore! Mark your calendars for May 27 and join us for an unforgettable day of range shooting and orienteering. How good is your aim? How well can you navigate the terrain? This event will put your skills to the test and let you experience the thrill of adventure firsthand.
Kit Shop
102 Squadron Kit Shop will be open for business on:
April 24th from 6 - 6:30pm during Cadet arrival
May 29th from 6 - 6:30pm during Cadet arrival
June 3rd @ Annual Ceremonial Review