This Saturday, December 10 is the last Range/Marksmanship day for the 2022 year and is open Squadron Wide. The cadets that are selected to join the dedicated Marksmanship team will be chosen after this day and those cadets will be spoken to directly. If you have not been selected, you will be able to come out and join us after the competition in late February.
For those hoping for the Biathlon Team, this is the day to let me know your interest and your level of dedication you are willing to bring with you into the new year during the physical fitness training as we will be training and developing this team.
This final day is a great opportunity to come out for a fun experience with other cadets or to hone your shooting skills in hopes of joining the Marksmanship Team or Biathlon Team. Shooting the Daisy Air Rifle is also a level requirement once per Training year. Those who have not fired the Daisy Air Rifle will be taught a lesson on Safe Handling and then will have the opportunity to practice shooting.
Time: 0730hrs-1300hrs. You must stay for the duration of this practice time. You cannot leave until practice is over.
What to bring: Great Attitude, refillable water bottle, snack or lunch, (Some cadets bring $ to go to McDonalds),
homework, cards or board games to share with friends in between relays.
What to wear: comfortable civilian attire and sneakers. You will be laying down on a mat to fire.
Any questions, please reach out to Lt Mena at 705 321 0151
