CO’S Parade
All cadets will return for our regular parade night on Monday October 23rd from 1815-2115. Dress will be C1A.
Don’t forget a refillable water bottle
Canteen will be available tonight
Flight Four will be on duty
What Flight am I in?
At the beginning and end of every parade night we form up into flights. The attached list is a list of what flight you are in. If you don’t see your name, don’t sweat it, we will figure it out when you get to the Armoury!
Cricket Conquest
Do you love team sports? Healthy Competition? Meeting new people from other elements? Then the Cricket Conquest is for you.
When: Oct. 22 2023
Where: Base Borden but we will have buses leave to and from the Barrie Armoury. Parents if you plan on dropping your cadet off please do so at COA Office at Hangar 3 as their destination address (174 Hangar Rd). Signs will be posted for buses and parents to follow past Hangar 3, down the gravel road on the left of the fork to the end where the sandpit is. Please do NOT drop off at Hangar 3, but follow the directions south.
Timings: Be at Barrie Armoury NLT 815am.
Parent Pick Up NLT 430pm
Please see joining instructions and be sure you fill out a permission form and waiver included in join instructions.
Sign up here!
Effective Speaking and Debate Team
The effective speaking and debate team will be starting soon! If you'd like to learn about preparing speeches, building strong arguments for debates and techniques to deliver your information to others, this team is for you. Not only will you learn about speeches and debates, but also develop key communication skills that can help with school projects, interviews and future opportunities. No experience is required and you will be taught everything you need to know in a constructive and judgement free environment. We are currently looking for the number of cadets who are interested with more information to come and planning to start around November. Meetings will be on Thursday nights from 18:30-20:00 at Hillcrest public school. If you're thinking of joining, please email Sgt Wright ( Looking forward to seeing returning cadet and lots of new faces!
Save the date!
Oct 28th Biathlon (just for team)
Oct 29th Poppy Drive
Oct 30th Halloween Party
Nov 4th 8-1pm Range team and Level one
Nov 4th 1pm-4pm Drill Team
Nov 10th Vigil for Senior Cadets
Nov 11th Mandatory Remembrance Day Parade
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