Announcements Sept 7th
Welcome Back to our 102 Family. We have had a very busy summer and the staff have been hard at work planning a fun and amazing training year for all of you!
Level 5 Planning Weekend- Barrie Armoury
Sept 9 0800-1545 -dress is in civilian attire
Sept 10 0800-1545- dress in FTU
New Recruit Night
This year we will be doing things a little different. We will be hosting a new recruit night on Sept 11th 2023 from 1800-2130. This means only NEW cadets to 102 Squadron need to come out.
We have an opportunity for 30 cadets to go gliding at Base Borden on Sept. 17th. Sign up will only be for the first 30 who sign up and we will look back on last years attendance as this is a very limited opportunity. Preference will be given to cadets who have never been in a glider before.
Sign up here
Returning Cadets
Returning Cadets from level 1, 2, 3 and 4 and their parents/guardians will resume on September 18th 2023 from 1815-2115. Parents must attend with cadets in order to complete validation, once these forms have been completed cadets are free to go. Dress is FTU.
Regular Parade Night
All cadets will return for our regular parade nights on Monday September 25th from 1815-2115. Dress will be FTU.
Summer Training
As many of you may have noticed 102 Squadron had an amazing summer at both CAP one, two and many CTC centers across Canada. We are very proud of the accomplishments that were earned.
CAP 1 and Cap 2 had 102 cadets walking away with awards such as top marksmanship, top uniform and top cadets of platoons.
We have been lucky enough to have cadets who completed the following training course making them or very own subject matter experts;
Advanced Aviation- FCpl Dinsmore
Survival Instructor- Sgt Illescas
Sports and Fitness Instructor- Sgt Higgs
Drill and Ceremonial Instructor- FCpl Ivanov, Sgt Grogan and Sgt Trimble
Both Sgt Grogran and Sgt Higgs came away with The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS) medal of merit, awarded to them for being top cadets in their course.
We also have been lucky enough to see some cadets secure some wings! Congratulations to..
Sgt Wright- earning his Glider Wings and also earning Top Stick which is a very big honor.
WO2 EL Gazzar and WO2 Anderson for earning their power pilot wings!
We can’t forget our staff cadets, staff cadets play a vital role in summer training and without them it would not happen. It also helps for them to be successful in mentoring all cadets in their home squadrons. Thanks to the following cadets;
FSgt Paul
WO2 MacConnell
WO2 Illescas
WO2 Wright
WO2 Erb
It is not to early to start thinking about what you want to do next summer, talk to your level officer or one of the above cadets for more information!!!