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  • Writer's pictureGillian Wright

Band Practice

Cadets & Guardians,

I have been hard at work trying to get instruments, equipment and instructors together for us to begin. As some of you may have seen the giant pile of instruments downstairs at the Armoury, this means that it's almost time for our first practice.

First practice: 20 November, 2022 1400-1700hrs

Barrie Armoury

Dress is civilian clothing

Bring your own water

Our first practice will consist mostly of getting all the kit issued out to everyone, introductions, instruments care basics, goal setting and some other fun stuff. Everyone is encouraged to bring a small notebook to write some notes about how to care for and maintain your personal instruments.

We now have over 50 Cadets signed up for the band. This is the biggest band we’ve ever had. There have been a lot of Cadets sign up for a few specific instruments. As this must still sound like a band, I must take care of the proper instrumentation we have so that we stay balanced. Some of you may hear directly from one of your unit’s Staff members asking that you select a different instrument to play. If any one, Cadet or Guardian would like an explanation as to why or has any questions about the other instruments to select from please don’t hesitate to contact me. If you are one of the Cadets asked to switch, please report your new instrument choice to the staff member so I can continue to sort out logistics in preparation for our first practice.

Kind Regards,

CV D Chislett

Barrie Cadet Band


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