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Announcements for Mar11-Mar17 2024

March 9 2024


Range team practice from 8-12.    This practice is for Range team and spares only. 


Monday March 11 2024 615-9pm


Open Range Day.  This is optional for cadets who want to come out and shoot.  Civilian Attire.

Don’t forget your water bottle, pen and a notebook.

Supply will also be open for anyone who needs to exchange uniform parts.


Save the Date


Apr 6-7 Level 1, 2 and 3 overnight to Hamilton Warplane Museum

Apr 20  Tree Top Trecking

April 26-28 Spring Tagging

And so much more…..


Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence

We are asking that cadets submit their portfolios to Maj Reid by April 15 2024

Selection Criteria

The main objective in awarding the RCL Cadet Medal of Excellence is to emphasize the citizenship aspects of the cadet program. To be eligible for consideration, a cadet must meet the following conditions:

  1. completed three years of training

  2. met all requirements of the squadron annual mandatory training and participated in 75% of the optional training programs;

  3. participated in a minimum of three community service events, (outside cadets in 2023/2024) in addition to those supported by the cadet unit;

  4. be regarded by peers and superiors as exemplifying the model cadet;

  5. Enhance the cadet squadron through: i) co-operation with peers and subordinates; ii) comradeship;

  1. promoting goodwill and morale within the squadron;

  2. aiding in the development of group identity and cohesiveness;

  3. supporting and assisting fellow unit members; and

  4. his/her involvement in the local community



The applicant must submit a portfolio outlining their volunteer work in the community along with a narrative of 300 – 500 words which supports why they feel they are eligible and why they meet the selection criteria above. WO1 Erb will have his portfolio present as an example for the next few Monday’s.

Summer Training Opportunities

Please see posted attachments in regards to summer training opportunities. All applications due by March 15!

Effective Speaking

The effective speaking competition will be after March break, March 21st (prepared) and 28th (impromptu). Make sure to keep practicing your prepared speeches!!!

The Effective Speaking and Debate Team will be meeting this Thursday at Hillcrest Public School 184 Toronto St, Barrie from 18:00 to 20:00. Please arrive around 17:50 so we can start on time. Remember to bring indoor footwear as it is required by the school, as well as pen/pencil, paper and water. In the event of inclement weather, make sure to check Facebook and Teams for cancellations and the meeting will be moved online through Microsoft Teams.

There will be no meeting next week during March break, but feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Level 1, 2 and 3 Trip

Cadets can still sign up for the level 1, 2 and 3 overnight trip to the Hamilton Warplane Museum!!! Cadets need to be at the Barrie Armoury for 17:30 on Saturday April 6th and will be back around 13:30 on Sunday the 7th. For cadets interested in attending, there will be a table set up during break to sign up by bringing in $50 and the signed permission form. If the $50 fee is a barrier to going, talk to 2Lt Erb. See kit list and permission form below.

Cadet 365

Remember to sign in to your Cadet 365 account and familiarize yourself with Microsoft Teams as we will start using this as our primary method of communication. Step by step instructions can be found on the Cadet 365 Onboarding website.

If you have any questions or haven't received your email and password, talk to your Level Officer or FSgt Wright. For technical support, reach out to

***You need to have logged on in order to do summer training.***

Static Displays

As a part of our Annual Ceremonial Review, we will have a variety of static displays set up for cadets, staff, friends and family and distinguished guests to view. These displays will showcase different activities from the past year and what our squadron's all about! The level 4 cadets are working on putting these together but need your help! Talk to or email the cadets below if you'd like to work on a static display.

Glider - Strachan-Gagné (

Bowling - Abdou (

Cricket Conquest - Kamra (

Level 1, 2, 3 Hamilton Warplane Heritage Museum Trip - Boden (

Snow Tubing - Ivanov (

Effective Speaking and Debate - Pronin (

Tagging - Vanderploeg (

Senior Year End Trip - Foster (

RCAF Centennial - Bourdon-Barker (

Christmas Dinner - Bourret (

Remembrance Day - Thaljieh (

Wolf's Den - Wilhelm (

Level 4 and 5 cadets!!!!!!


Cadets Canada will participate in the following air cadet international exchanges this summer:

a. bi-lateral exchange with the Civil Air Patrol. Canadian Cadets will take part in the Civil Air Patrol’s Cadet Officer School (CAP COS); and

b. International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE), exchanging cadets with the United Kingdom (UK) and United States of America (USA).


International Air Cadet Exchange

Dates: 7 Jul - 24 Jul 24

Civil Air Patrol - Cadet Officer School

Dates: 12 Jul - 27 Jul 24

IACE & Civil Air Patrol Eligibility

Selected cadets are only eligible to be selected for one international exchange opportunity (IACE or CAP COS) each training year. Cadets are authorized to apply for both opportunities, but will be chosen based off of the Cadet's Order of Preference submitted with their Participation Application.


IACE (International Cadet Exchange)

-Minimum Age- 17 Years by July 1

-Must be a level 5 qualified

Grade 11 Report Card/High school transcript

- Must be in possession, or able to obtain, a passport that is valid for a minimum of six months past the end date of the opportunity

-Application must include choice of country in order of preference (UK/USA)


CAP-COS (Civil Air Patrol)

-Minimum Age- 16 years by Sept 1 2024

-Must be level 4 qualified

-Grade 11 Report Card/Highschool transcript


Must be in possession, or able to obtain, a passport that is valid for a minimum of six months past the end date of the NDA


Email 2Lt Erb at NLT March 9. Please include your highscool transcript as outlined above. -


There will be a drill team practice this Saturday March 9th, from 1:00-3:30, and Flag Party practice from 3:30-4:00. As this is near the start of March break, please send FSgt Grogan an email if you are not going to be able to make it. (

This practice is for Drill Team and Spares.


Keep an eye on the announcements in google classroom.

Kit Shop Dates – at the armoury on Monday nights at drop off.

March 4th

April 8th

May 6th

May 25th at Annual

Scholarship Information

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