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Announcements for Jan15-Jan21 2024

Jan 13th



The following cadets are encouraged to be at Range from 8am-1215 pm at the Barrie Armoury.


Cpl Huang

Cpl Newton

FSgt Bennett

Sgt Grogan

FCpl Kantor

FCpl St-Jean

Cpl Erb

FSgt Wright

Cpl Barker

FCpl Foster

Cpl Moore

WO1 Erb

Cpl Degeer

Cpl Campos

Cpl Hrovat Burns

Cpl Clarkson S.

FCpl Bourret

AC Polsky

AC Mc Cracken

AC Feng


Range starts at 0800 sharp.  It is imperative that all members of team are present for set up and take down. 



Jan 13th


DRILL 1-330pm Flag Party 330pm-4pm

Drill Team:


Drill team will be starting back up this Saturday Jan. 13th (1:00-3:30), all members who have come out to previous practices are required to attend. Only those who have attended a previous practice are able to come out for drill team for the rest of the year, as tryouts have closed. Drill team will open again to all cadets at the start of the next training year. Note: Make sure to bring your wedge


Flag Party: Flag party will be having a practice this Saturday Jan. 13th (3:30-4:00), again this is only for those who have signed up for flag party. Tryouts are closed for the training year.


If for any reason you will not be able to attend either drill or flag party please contact (email, text, call, etc.) FSgt Grogan. ( (Only for drill and flag party attendance)


Monday Jan 15th 2024


Regular Training Night , The Dress will be FTU’s.

We have added two flights to our parade, this means we have had to switch up all of our flights. Check out the flight list posted above.

Don’t forget your water bottle, pen and a notebook.

Flight 1 is on duty.

Jan 20th

All cadets with a parade position including section commanders, flight 2IC, flight IC, SWO and Deputy will be having a drill session on Saturday 20th from 1200hrs-1500hrs to go over the parade sequence and overall deportment on the parade square.   This is mandatory and if you cannot attend you need to let WO1 Erb know at

Drill team needs to attend as well.

This will leave time to head to bowling!

Bowling Night

Cadet Bowling Night on January 20th from 4 to 6:45pm, come out to play with us and your friends for a fun tournament! There will be prizes for the winning team Sign up fast as there are only 140 spots available and they will go quickly!

Sign up form is attached below, please read everything before submitting. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Attendance QR Code Card

Cadets received a card with their name and a QR code that we will be using to take attendance as cadets arrive at the armoury. It also has the flight number on the back in case cadets forget. It is important that cadets do not lose these!!! Those who have not received one yet can get theirs Monday.

Cadet 365

Remember to sign in to your Cadet 365 account and familiarize yourself with Microsoft Teams as we will start using this as our primary method of communication. There are step by step instructions on the Cadet 365 Onboarding website.

If there is still a problem, talk to your Level Officer or FSgt Wright.

Cadets who have not received their email and password should ask the aforementioned for their information.

Effective Speaking and Debate

The Effective Speaking and Debate Team will be meeting this Thursday at Hillcrest Public School 184 Toronto St, Barrie from 18:00 to 20:00. Please arrive around 17:50 so we can start on time. Remember to bring indoor footwear as it is required by the school, as well as pen/pencil, paper and water. In the event of inclement weather, make sure to check Facebook and Teams for cancellations and the meeting will be moved online through Microsoft Teams.

Static Displays

As a part of our Annual Ceremonial Review, we will have a variety of static displays set up for cadets, staff, friends and family and distinguished guests to view. These displays will showcase different activities from the past year and what our squadron's all about! The level 4 cadets are working on putting these together but need your help! Talk to or  email the cadets below if you'd like to work on a static display.

Glider - Strachan-Gagné (

Bowling - Abdou (

Tri Service Dance - Kamra (

Cricket Conquest - Kamra (

Level 1, 2, 3 Hamilton Warplane Museum Trip - Boden (

Snow Tubing - Ivanov (

Effective Speaking and Debate - Pronin (

Tagging - Vanderploeg (

Wolf's Den - Bruder (

Senior Year End Trip - Foster (

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