Feb 24 2024
Range Team
Range Team practice starts at 0800 sharp. It is imperative that all members of team are present for set up and take down. This is for Range team only. We will look at opening up range after the competition in February.
Drill Team
There will be a drill team practice this Saturday, 1:00-3:30. This practice will be the Drill Team and spares. Spares, please bring any homework, fun games, or activities to do while we are working with just the drill team.
If you are going to be absent, you need to let us know, preferably before Saturday. You may contact FSgt Grogan at (jgrogan353@cdt.cadets.gc.ca).
Feb 25th
Marksmanship Competition. All cadets on team must meet at Barrie Armoury NLT 730am. Cadets will be bussed to Base Borden. Cadets to wear squadron spirit wear for the day. Lunch is provided. Please bring a refillable water bottle.
Cadets will be brought back to Armoury NLT 430pm.
There will be a practice this Sunday from 2-5, keep checking the Google classroom to see if it is canceled, what we are doing, etc.
Monday Feb 26
Regular Training Night tonight , The Dress will be FTU.
Don’t forget your water bottle, pen and a notebook.
Flight 6 is on duty.
Save the Date
Apr 6-7 Level 1, 2 and 3 overnight to Hamilton Warplane Museum
Apr 20 Tree Top Trecking
April 26-28 Spring Tagging
And so much more…..
Are you going to be 16 by July 1st of 2024? Do you want to make some money and have an amazing experience this summer? Applications for summer staffing are open for those who are qualified.
Deadline for application is 26 Feb 2024. Applications are being accepted for the following CTCs:
a. In Region CTCs:
(1) Blackdown; and
(2) Trenton.
b. Out of Region:
(1) Valcartier;
(2) Rocky Mountain; and
(3) Vernon.
c. Virtual:
(1) Technology and Digital Learning Centre (TDLC).
2. While we expect staff cadet opportunities to be available at the CTCs listed above, this is subject to change. Your continued patience is appreciated.
In order to be considered you must submit the following information to 2Lt Erb by Feb 26th 2024 at Kelly.erb@cadets.gc.ca
Top three choices for location ( please note, out of region will not be easy to get so if you want this please consider staying in Region);
Social Insurance number and bank account information must be submitted by following the instructions here:
Any questions please reach out to 2Lt Erb
Kit Shop Dates – at the armoury on Monday nights at drop off.
March 4th
April 8th
May 6th
May 25th at Annual
Scholarship Information